The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) has been approved by the State Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) to establish two Hong Kong Branches of Chinese National Engineering Research Centres (CNERCs), namely the Hong Kong Branch of National Rail Transit Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Centre and Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction. In the next three years, each branch will receive a funding support of a maximum amount of HK$5 million per year from the Innovation and Technology Commission as well as a dollar-to-dollar matching fund from PolyU to support its research and development for benefits of the Mainland and Hong Kong.

Delighted with this achievement, PolyU Vice President (Research Development), Ir Professor Ping-kong Alexander Wai said, “The Hong Kong Branches serve as key components of CNERCs. The approval of two Hong Kong Branches of CNERCs by MOST manifests recognition of the R&D capability of our research teams as well as our previous successful technology transfer experiences in the areas of rail engineering and steel construction. In the future, the two Hong Kong Branches will work closely with their mainland counterparts, and leverage on the respective strengths of both sides to promote applied research and development projects conducive to both the Mainland and Hong Kong.”